Saturday, May 13, 2006
The End Of A Season...
posted by Clint @ 4:05 PM | comments 1
Well that's it people... This marks what is officially the LAST comic of Season 3. Who knows when I'll start up Season 4, I'll let fate decide.

The facts are that as things stand at the moment, I just have too much on my plate. Work is getting heavier and heavier, I have a wedding to plan for, I have Angry-Gamer to take care of (and I'll still be dedicating time to that) and basically every night when I get home I keep trying to find reasons NOT to do the comic. When you're looking up ways to NOT do your comic, you know you ain't having fun with it anymore. So yes, it's all been fun and I've created 105 comics during this series so I'm not feeling too ashamed of my efforts (what have YOU done?)...

So that being said, I thank you all for continuing to visit here and enjoying my comics. The only reason we then to do anything on this earth is because we want attention and I thankyou all for giving me that. I hope that you will all continue (or at least, START) emailing me and leaving your comments, sending me words of encouragement and outrage and all that jazz.

And in true fashion of recent history, I shall end this post by saying...

Visit & Be Cool.